Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Busy Boo.

Boo Update

An update on Boo Radley. He went through a very rough patch the past few days.
It seems that the vet I saw at first was pretty far off on his age; they think he was only about 10 days when I found him, rather than the 4 weeks she had suggested at first. Because she thought he was older, she started him on wet food, and I (and then Jamie) continued feeding him wet food for a few days.

He wasn't quite old enough to digest the wet food, and was not pottying. He became very bloated, and stopped eating.

Jamie took him to the emergency vet early Sunday morning, who said that if he didn't go on his own shortly after the next couple of feedings, he would need to be put down. At that point she gave him a 10% chance of survival.

Jamie has been nursing him through, and I'm pleased to report that he is now out of the woods. When I saw him Sunday morning, he couldn't lift his head on his own, but by Sunday night, he got up and started walking on his wee kitten legs.

Jamie said he woke up the next morning meowing hungrily for milk, and is doing just fine. Now he's starting to grow again and is running around like crazy. He's a tough little guy, and you can tell he's a fighter. He may look a little rough in this picture, but I promise it's a real improvement!

Round 4--What happened to the innards?

Round 4--Was there a door here?

And I could have sworn there used to be a window here.

Round 4--

Here are the new windows all trimmed out, and the new posts and railing. Don't worry, the blue ceiling will not be staying.

Round 3--Outside

This is what the old porch looked like, partway into demo. These are the old posts. They are the new windows before trim.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Does this come with the house?

Thanks to Jamie and Jason for rescuing Mr. Boo Radley from Elsie's hungry chops.

Round 3--Antique window counter-weights

Round 3--Chimney

Round 3--2nd Bedroom

Round 3--Master Bedroom

Round 3--Kitchen

Round 3--New ceiling joists

Round 3--New windows

Round 2--2nd Bedroom

Round 2--Master Bedroom

Can I just throw a rug over that?

Round 2--Kitchen

Where's my floor?

Round 1--Carpet removed

There are hardwoods somewhere under that carpet adhesive. Note to previous owner--there's a reason that the carpet tiles were called "self-stick."

Round 1--Yardwork

Brush I have cleared. I have barely scratched the surface.